Practice Information :

Tuesdays :  7:00pm  - 10:00pm (Iaido / Jodo)
Fridays :     6:30pm - 7:30pm (beginners class)

                   7:30pm - 9:30pm (advanced)

Cost  (cash or checks):


$50 initiation fee per person 

$25 per month per person (6 month increments)

$25 / $30 (family) PJCI membership (yearly)

Plus AUSKF/SCKF Federation dues:

You will need to register with the federation through Sport80 website.

We only take beginners the first two Fridays in January and July 

The beginners class are held on Fridays from 6:30pm-7:30pm. After 6 months, the beginners will join the advanced class.

For beginners, the only equipment required is the shinai ** (bamboo sword) to start which has a cost of about $30. Once advanced, then the keiko-gi and hakama (clothing) is purchased (around $100+), then eventually the bogu (equipment), which starts around $400+.

Current senseis (l to r) : Matsuo, Yamasaki

General information

Maki Miyahara : Hanshi Hachi Dan (8th degree black belt)


** Beginners will need to purchase a shinai (bamboo sword) prior to the class. You can purchase one either at or